

Variations: Volkodlak, Volkoslak

Location: Serbia

There are two ways this vampire can be created:

  • a man under 20 years of age who was a murderer, perjurer, or had sexual intercoursewith his mother dies.
  • young man is killed a werewolf or ate meat from an animal that was slain by a werewolf.

It is a blood-covered, animated corpse, acting the part of a shameless drunkard. It can cause eclipses.

Unlike many vampires this species a "life" span. At the end seven years the vampire self destructs and is reincarnated as human being to begin the cycle again.

The only way it can truly destroyed by: 1) stab through the stomach with a stake made of hawthorn 2) cover its hair with tar 3) set it ablaze with a candle that was used during its wake. 4) Make sure the fire is hot enough and burns long enough to render the corpse to ash.

Varieties of Vampires says the method of destruction is cut off its toes and thumbs, drive a spike into its neck, pierce its navel with a stake (not its heart), then burn it, starting the fire with holy candles.

