Variation: PENANGGLAN, Penangllaen, Penanngallau, Pernanggal, Upeer, Vampiir, Vampyras, VRYKOLAKA, Vurkulaka, Wamphyr, Wampire, Wukodalak
"In German lore, when a person commits suicide or was a heretic, murder victim, werewolf, or witch in life, he will rise up from the grave as a vampiric revenant. The vampire has a bloated body, long fingernails, red skin, and blood in and around its mouth. Able to cause drought and illness in cattle, it hunts humans for their blood."
It is repelled by silver and garlic and has an obsession about counting seeds that are spilled on the ground.
While it is killed by a stake to the heart there are two limitations to this method: the stake must be made mountain ash, and it must be done with a single blow.
"Another way to destroy the vampire is to behead it, remove its heart, boil it in wine, place it back in the body, and then burn the entire corpse to ash."
GURPS Blood Types groups Vampir, Vampiir, Vampyras, Wampir, and Wamphyr together as "Slavic states vampires" but uses the Vampiir description.
- Bane, Theresa (2010) Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology McFarland pg 139