Myotismon, known as Vamdemon in the Japanese version, is one of the major antagonists in the Digimon anime series. He is presumably the most evil of them all, and a main antagonist of the entire first two seasons could be named, it would be Myotismon; if one were to be picky, one could say Myotismon is the Big Bad of the entire Digimon Adventure.
After Etemon was defeated, Myotismon emerged as the third main villain of Season 1. There, he sent his pathetic servant, DemiDevimon, to try and defeat the Digidestined, but each of his plans failed. He tried to find the eighth Digidestined and take over both the Digital World and the real world. He and his servants departed from his Castle in the Digital World and entered the real world, but one Digimon, Wizardmon, who was only pretending to be following Myotismon, attempts to get the tag and crest for the eighth digidestined and double-crossing him along with Gatomon. Myotismon had his bats throw him into the ocean. Gatomon, initially one of Myotismon's servants, remembers that he enslaved her while she was searching for the eighth Digidestined as Salamon.
Often Myotismon would bite people and suck their blood, as vampires do. Also he would only come out at night, as he is weaker during the day.Myotismon put up a fog barrier, and captured all the inhabitants of the city. The Digidestined fought against him and his many minions. It soon became revealed to the Digidestined that Tai's sister Kari was the eighth Digidestined all along. TK and Joe find Wizardmon, and soon a battle begins between the Digidestined and Myotismon. Myotismon appears to be more powerful than the others, with only Angemon able to damage him. Myotismon shoots an energy wave at Kari and Gatomon, but Wizardmon jumps in front of them and is killed by the blast.
Upon his death, Kari gets her Digivice back from DemiDevimon, allowing Gatomon to Digivolve into her Ultimate form, Angewomon, and hit Myotismon with a Celestial Arrow, killing him.
After Myotismon was defeated by the DigiDestined, they thought it would be over. However, everyone didn't believe that Myotismon's spirit lives on, and his fog was still around. Gennai then told the prophecy about the king of the undead. Bats would blanket the sky in darkness, the fallen would chant the king's name, and at the stroke of the hour of the beast, the king's true form would appear. DemiDevimon used Myotismon’s bats to resurrect his master by collecting the data of his defeated henchmen.
Everything that Gennai mentioned started to happen and soon VenomMyotismon was born. He has an insatiable hunger, at one point devouring his own servant, DemiDevimon. MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon both attacked VenomMyotismon, but the giant monster easily wiped them out. Angemon and Angewomon distracted VenomMyotismon while Izzy plans a miracle. He is the first Mega Digimon to be introduced in the series and it is because of his appearance that the DigiDestined learn about the Mega level.
Though he is much more powerful than Myotismon, he is also much less intelligent. He is quick to anger, and is solely motivated by his desire to devour life. The only thing he retains from Myotismon being a strong hatred of the Digidestined. When WarGreymon tunneled though VenomMyotismon's abdomen, his true form, "The Beast Within" reveals himself. He is defeated when they clog his true body with a water tower and WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon combine their attacks, which obliterated him.
It is revealed that Myotismon’s spirit once again lives on and discovers that Oikawa wants to go to the Digital World. He possessed Oikawa and took control of his body in order to grant his wish. After Oikawa grieves of not going to the Digital World, Myotismon appears as a creepy talking mouth, speaking with Oikawa, telling him that he will never see the Digital World again, even in his dreams. After the big mouth vanishes, Myotismon exits Oikawa’s body, and feeds on the Dark Flowers from the children, and transforms into his new form, MaloMyotismon. After he tortured and killed both Arukenimon and Mummymon, the Digidestined were scared to battle him, but Davis wouldn't give up and told the others that they must fight for courage.
ExVeemon attacks MaloMyotismon, but then all of a sudden was interrupted when MaloMyotismon banished the Digidestined into several illusion dimensions, causing them and their Digimon partners to be separated. Luckily, their Digimon partners were able to reunite them, noting the illusions weren't real. When Davis, Ken, and the others returned from the illusions, their Digimon launched an assault on MaloMyotismon, which made a hole to the Digital World, presumably destroying MaloMyotismon. But however, MaloMyotismon survived the onslaught of the heroic Digimon, and grew bigger and attacked Imperialdramon, Silphymon, and Shakkoumon, knocking them down easily.
MaloMyotismon unleashed his power of darkness to open up the gate to the Real World. Suddenly, several Digimon gathered around to call help to their human partners from all around the world, while MaloMyotismon tries to drive them away with his Screaming Darkness attack. Suddenly the human partners were summoned to the Digital World with the light, blinding MaloMyotismon. All of a sudden, the darkness returned to let MaloMyotismon get stronger, but Davis, Yolei, and the children (who were free from the Dark Spores) shared their onslaught of dreams (and didn't feel doubt no more) and used the light from the Digivices, causing MaloMyotismon's body to be disintegrated, revealing himself as a form of a black cloud of darkness. All the Digidestined used their Digivices to create Imperialdramon's ultimate weapon, the Giga Crusher, and finally destroyed Myotismon for good.
Other appearances[]
Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[]
In "Vamdemon, the Castle of Darkness", the DigiDestined traverse Myotismon's castle and meet him in front of the gate between worlds.
In "Revival! The Demon Lord VenomVamdemon", if Tai and the group choose to use the Agumon card, Myotismon appears before Willis in Colorado, and digivolves to VenomMyotismon. If they choose to use the Gomamon card (as in the anime), they find Kari being taken away by Myotismon, and Tai and Matt go after her, defeating VenomMyotismon to save her.
In "Terror! BelialVamdemon", the DigiDestined come across Yukio Oikawa, who kills Arukenimon before transforming into MaloMyotismon. After his defeat, he draws the DigiDestined into the Dream Realm.
In "Our Digital World", the DigiDestined fight MaloMyotismon once more and defeat him for good.
PSP game[]
For the most part, Myotismon plays the same role as in the anime. He features as a boss in chapters corresponding to the episodes "Sora's Crest of Love" and "Wizardmon's Gift", and as VenomMyotismon in "Prophecy"/"The Battle for Earth". Deviating from the anime plot, VenomMyotismon is also one of six past bosses that have to be fought again in the chapter corresponding to "Now Apocalymon".
Digimon Masters[]
Myotismon appears in Digimon Masters as part of the June 2019 Odaiba update, which follows the events from Digimon Adventure in which Myotismon tries to find the Eight Digidestined.
Other forms[]
VenomMyotismon is Myotismon's first Mega form.
After his apparent death by Angewomon, Myotismon's bats consume the data of his remaining minions and merge with his mask, which is all that remains of him, and he is reborn as VenomMyotismon.
He begins by consuming DemiDevimon, revealing his mindless nature, and overpowers MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon until the two are able to assume their Mega forms, as the other DigiDestined partner Digimon arrive. Prophecy
VenomMyotismon gains the upper hand again after revealing his true form hidden in his crotch, but is then restrained by the DigiDestined's Crests, with WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon dealing the final blow. The Battle for Earth
- Venom Infuse: Injects a destructive computer virus within the body of the enemy Digimon, destroying all of their configuration data and terminating their functions.

VenomMyotismon Undead
VenomMyotismon Undead[]
VenomMyotismon Undead is an alternate Mega form of Myotismon.
MaloMyotismon is Myotismon's second Mega form.
A form that he assumed after leaving the body of Yukio Oikawa and absorbing the Dark Spores, the newly reborn MaloMyotismon tests his new powers out by torturing and killing his own minion Arukenimon, followed by the vengeful Mummymon. Oikawa's Shame
Though the DigiDestined are initially too cowed to fight MaloMyotismon, their courage is restored when Davis and ExVeemon attack. However, MaloMyotismon tries to end the fight by subjecting the humans to a Mental Illusion, entrapping each DigiDestined in a personal prison of their desires. Davis, whose desire is to defeat MaloMyotismon, is able to tap into the powers of the dream dimension, freeing his friends and showing them how to simultaneously manifest the different Digivolution forms of their partners at the same time.
Eventually the fight moves to the Digital World, where Myotismon uses its darkness to grow larger. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined
Just as all hope seems lost, DigiDestined from all over the world use the light from their Digivices to empower their Digimon partners in the Digital World, before joining their partners and focusing their Digivices on MaloMyotismon.
Though he attempts to undo the damage using the Dark Spore children's thoughts of despair, MaloMyotismon ends up losing his physical form when the main DigiDestined are able to help the Dark Spore children overcome their negative emotions and embrace their dreams, allowing them to become DigiDestined with their own partners and Digivices.
From there, empowered by the Digivices, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode uses a fully-powered Giga Crusher to completely destroy Myotismon's essence, obliterating him for good. A Million Points of Light
- Pandæmonium Flame: Fires an extremely high-temperature beam from the "Sodom and Gomorrah" on his shoulders.
- Howling Blood
- Crimson Mist (Melting Blood): Opens up the "Sodom and Gomorrah" on his shoulders and spews out a thick red, acidic mist.
- Mental Illusion (Mind Illusion): Emits a ray of light that hypnotizes the opponent, trapping them in a dream world of their desires.
- Screaming Darkness