

Variations: Mulo

In Gypsy lore, if a child is stillborn but is still moving as if it were alive then it is a Living Vampire of this type. It will grow normally until 8 years old at which point it will stop growing in size. It will wear only all white clothes and is active between noon and midnight.

It seeks out people and kills them, boiling the body to make it easier to eat. "It has a weakness for wine, and if a person can get it drunk, he can cut its head off, boil it, and then cut it into four equal pieces." However, it is regarded that is better to enlist the service of a Dhampir then to make this a DIY project.

Varieties of Vampires combines this with the Mullo but that is a living person who dies and rises as a vampire, but the majority of the description fits this type.

