
Cold Hearts a 1999 American horror-thriller film written and directed by Robert A. Masciantonio. It stars Marisa Ryan, Robert Floyd, and Power Rangers actress Amy Jo Johnson.


Like many teens in the 1980s, Viktoria [Marisa Ryan] was interested in the occult. Unlike most teens, Viktoria met up with a vampire who was willing to give her what she wanted. Her boyfriend Jake, however, was turned at the same time as Viktoria and couldn't live with it, so he fried himself in the sun. Viktoria maintains herself on blood purchased from a bloodbank employee who runs a blackmarket on the side. Viktoria also lives with the guilt of helplessly watching her mother die (in a road accident). Consequently, these experiences have turned Viktoria's heart cold in that she avoids emotional involvement.

So here it is, some eight years later, and Viktoria is on the boardwalk with her friends Alicia [Amy Jo Johnson] and Darius [Jon Huertas] when they are suddenly confronted by Chas [Christopher Wiehl], Viktoria's ex and one of those bad*ss vampires. Chas is still P.O.ed at Viktoria and coldcocks her right then and there. From the background comes a voice, "Watch your back, Chuck." Turns out that the voice belongs to a new guy named Seth [Robert Floyd] who happens upon Viktoria the next night as she walks along the beach. Seth is from Philadelphia, but he is vacationing with four of his fraternity brothers -- Kevin, Scott, Kinka, and Danny. Seth does not shirk from confrontation with Chas and his "horsemen" -- R.P., John Luke, Duncan, and Connor -- like everyone else in town and seems to have taken on the job of acting as Viktoria's Sir Lancelot.

At the moment, however, Viktoria has other problems. Alicia is anorexic, and Viktoria has to take her some medicine. Alicia's medicine turns out to be a vial of blood. Only recently turned (by R.P.), Alicia hates being a vampire and refuses to feed. Drinking the blood from the vial makes her feel even worse, so Viktoria slits her own wrist and lets Alicia drink from her arm. Meanwhile, Seth is hoping to meet up again with Viktoria. Remembering that she mentioned working at a sunglasses store, he stops at the only sunglasses shop on the boardwalk and asks for her. The salesgirl doesn't know of any Viki that works there, but Chas overhears Seth's question and confronts him. After exchanging insults, Chas invites Seth to join his group, and they go off together to smoke some dope. The insults keep flying until Connor challenges Seth, but Seth effortlessly gives Connor a wedgie and kicks him to the ground. [Hmmmm, is there something fishy about Seth?]

The next night, Seth runs into Viktoria, Alicia, and Darius on the boardwalk, and Alicia and Darius get lost so that Viktoria and Seth can be together. While Seth and Viktoria walk along the beach, Chas runs into Darius and Alicia. Chas mesmerizes Darius into going home and then mesmerizes Alicia into joining him and his horsemen. Chas takes Alicia on a killing spree. When Alicia finds out what Chas has made her do, she is distraught. The next day, she sits in the sun. Viktoria finds Alicia frying to a crisp, and she disintegrates right before Viktoria's eyes. That evening, Viktoria and Darius scatter Alicia's dust into the ocean.

After a pep talk from Uncle Joe, in which he advises Viktoria that the best way to keep from getting a cold heart is to "keep it warm", Viktoria pays a visit to Seth. After sharing a glass of wine, the two end up talking openly to each other. Viktoria tells Seth that Alicia is dead, and Seth tells Viktoria about his girlfriend Sarah and how she was attacked and killed by a "huge grey shape" while they were hiking together in the Appalachians. The next day, as Seth is watching the sun go down along the beach, John Luke catches up with him and warns him that Chas is looking to kill him. A bit later that evening, just after Seth and Viktoria run into each other on the boardwalk, Chas and his horsemen come looking for Seth. Chas challenges Seth to a fight and shows his fangs. Seth agrees to the fight but not before changing into a werewolf. They tear at each other for a while. Just as it looks like Chas has gotten the upper hand, Viktoria rips out his heart. As Chas disintegrates, she looks around for Seth, but he has disappeared.

The next day, Viktoria puts on her sunglasses and goes looking for Seth. His friends are packing up their car to leave town, and they tell her that Seth has already left. Viktoria goes home, only to find Seth sitting on her porch. They thank each other for being there, and they kiss.


  • Marisa Ryan as Viktoria
  • Robert Floyd as Seth
  • Amy Jo Johnson as Alicia
  • Christopher Wiehl as Charles
  • Fred Norris as Uncle Joe
  • Jon Huertas as Darius
  • Christian Campbell as John Luke
  • Dale Godboldo as Connor
  • James Palmer as Duncan
  • Greg Jackson as R.P.