
Castlevania: Nocturne is an American horror action-adventure animated series distributed by Netflix. The series is a spinoff of the Castlevania animated series, based on the video game series of the same name. It features Richter Belmont and Maria Renard, set in the events of the French Revolution. The series draws inspiration from Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

The first season consists of eight episodes of 24-31 minutes each, and was released worldwide on September 28, 2023.



Set in 1792 during the French Revolution, primarily in the French commune of Machecoul, the series follows the young vampire hunter Richter Belmont and his adoptive sister Maria Renard as they make new allies and attempt to prevent the apocalyptic rise of a godlike Vampire Messiah.

Cast and characters[]

Vampire hunters[]

  • Richter Belmont (voiced by Edward Bluemel, and Benjamin Plessala as young Richter): The tough young hero who's continuing the family tradition of vampire hunting.
  • Maria Renard (voiced by Pixie Davies): A natural leader who's fighting inequality in her country, and also a magic user battling the vampire elite.
  • Tera (voiced by Nastassja Kinski): A mother and mentor to young vampire hunters and magic users, who has her own share of past trauma to bear.
  • Annette (voiced by Thuso Mbedu): She used her power and wits to escape vampire-enforced enslavement in the Caribbean, and now wields magic to stop the impending apocalyptic threat.
  • Edouard (voiced by Sydney James Harcourt): He left his life as a talented opera singer to aid and accompany Annette.
  • Juste Belmont (voiced by Iain Glen)
  • Julia Belmont (voiced by Sophie Skelton)
  • Alucard (voiced by James Callis


  • Erzsebet Báthory (voiced by Franka Potente): She's the queen of vampires, and, if all goes as planned, of the entire world.
  • Drolta Tzuentes (voiced by Elarica Johnson)
  • Olrox (voiced by Zahn McClarnon): He killed Richter's mother years ago and now must decide whether he can stomach teaming up with his sworn enemy in order to stop vampiric world domination.
  • Vaublanc (voiced by Alastair Duncan)
  • Nikolai (voiced by Fred Tatasciore)
  • Marquis (voiced by Jonathan Roumie)
  • Marchioness


  • Abbot (voiced by Richard Dormer)
  • Mizrak (voiced by Aaron Neil)

Other characters[]

  • Captain (voiced by Darren Jacobs)
  • Cecile (voiced by Sharon D. Clarke)
  • Esther (voiced by Erica Luttrell)
  • Liberty (voiced by Georgia Dolenz)
  • Jacques (voiced by Fred Tatasciore)
  • Deputy's daughter